What is the importance of a strong reopening? Previously we wrote an article on how to keep your employees happy during corona. But how do you do the same for your customers? At IGO Promo, we know how you can drive customer engagement when you reopen your store or hospitality business. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by – use your reopening as a way to strengthen your brand. Read our tips and learn how to gain extra attention for your business.
Shops: Greet Customers in a Creative Way
It’s a good investment of time and money to give a little something extra to your returning customers. You’re presumably running some sort of campaign for your reopening, and the best way to support your in-store activities is through the use of promotional products and gifts.
Adding a little gift increases loyalty and turns visitors into customers. For a practical tip, we recommend decorating your store with coloured balloons printed with your logo, or placing a bowl of candy at the entrance. And of course, make your customers feel safe by taking the necessary protective measures such as having face masks and disinfection products available.
Hospitality Industry: Use Outdoor Serving to Your Advantage
Recent times have shown us just how creative entrepreneurs in the hospitality industry can be. Solutions such as meal delivery, coffee-to-go are known to all but have definitely been a change for some of the older businesses. However, that hasn’t stopped them from changing in a way that made their business survive. Even pubs have featured online quizzes with accompanying alcohol delivered as a package deal, which is definitely some of the most innovative concepts we’ve seen – great job. Perhaps you can come up with an entirely different plan tailored to your store.
Naturally, we recommend you use promotional products and gifts as a way to boost your offline campaigns, and many of you are no strangers to this way of running promotions and are used to ordering cups, pens, napkins, etc. But, we strongly encourage you to also try more specialised products such as glass carafes or serving boards with your logo. Then your customers will be served refreshments and snacks on a product branded with their favourite business’ visual identity. And of course, almost everyone is going to post pictures on social media of their first meal out – if your company’s brand can be on the image, then your offline products will get thousands of online impressions. It’s a great opportunity for those of you ready to capitalize on this idea.
Sports Clubs and Fitness
The popularity of outdoor sports is at an all-time high! During a time of closed down sports activities and shut down gyms, we’ve all gotten our exercise by walking, running, and cycling a lot more, which of course are all very healthy activities that we should keep on doing. But, there’s just something special about exercising as a group that promotes an addictive feeling of team spirit, which makes working out a lot more fun. If you own a gym or are in charge of a sports facility/club activities, use these tips for which promotional products to use so you can nail your reopening campaigns. Get t-shirts printed with your logo or company name, or sports drinking bottles, drawstring/gym bags, and towels – all of these products will be taken home and used frequently!
Tip: If you want to knock it out of the park promotionally, you should organise an outdoor activity to create buzz around your company. Customers are eager to get out of their homes and support local businesses. This is your chance.
Schools: Welcome Back Your Students
Now that all students are back they will definitely appreciate it if you have some planned activities which you can support with some small promotional gifts. Additionally, it’s the perfect time to start thinking about some graduation gifts as that time of year is approaching rapidly. Celebrate the good times with your students!
Practical Tips for Getting Noticed
No matter which industry you’re in, here are 4 actionable tips you can use to promote your business:
1. Promote Your Store
Hang posters in your windows so every by-passer is aware of deals in your store. Write a catchy call to action on your posters to drive traffic. For example, “first 100 customers today gets a free powerbank“.
2. Be Visible Online
We don’t need to explain the importance of having an online presence in the 21st century, but we can provide some tips on how you should use your social media profiles. Take the time to introduce the staff and show some images/videos of what goes on behind the scenes in your store.
3. Use Newsletters
As an average, it’s said that for every £1 you pour into email marketing such as newsletters, your return is £29. That’s an ROI of 2900%! Original newsletters with strong deals have an incredibly positive impact on your sales performance, so don’t forget incorporate this into your promotions.
4. Provide a Little Extra Something
Consider what you can do to go the extra mile for your customers. People have been sitting on their savings and are ready to spend some serious money, give them a good reason for why they should choose to spend it in your business. Maybe you can give gift cards or nice gifts with every order during a period of time, or send some candy and handwritten notes with big online orders. Do what you can to make an impact!
Hopefully this post provided you with actionable and helpful tips for how to successfully promote your business. If you need more help for launching a successful offline campaign, then don’t hesitate to reach out – our team is ready to help.