4 Steps for Becoming a Sustainable Company

Wondering how to become a sustainable company? This post highlights at least 4 ways to do so. Here’s why, as an organisation, you cannot lag behind when it comes to sustainability. And there are also various ways in which you can make a contribution as a company. Perhaps even more than you would initially think. This way you can not only save money but above all, you can make a good contribution to a better planet. And that, of course, also creates a positive branding. In this article, we explain what steps you can take towards a sustainable company.

1. A Sustainable Office

Take a look at the possibilities of turning your office into a sustainable office. A number of practical steps have already been taken to achieve this. Here are a few clever tips: – Use energy-efficient light bulbs: LED bulbs use around 85% less power than incandescent bulbs and 75% less than halogen.
  • Separate your waste: companies are responsible for most of the waste in the world. This makes it all the more important to separate this in the right way.
  • Pay attention to the heating: don’t put the heating on at an unnecessarily high temperature. Look at possibilities to heat even more sustainably without gas.
  • Use less electricity: take a critical look at the energy label of the devices and switch off devices that are not being used.
  • Buy sustainable packaging materials & products: investigate the possibilities to show the outside world that you care about the environment.
  • Encourage cycling to work: transport makes the biggest impact on our environment, and taking the bicycle helps make that impact positive rather than negative. Not everyone can do this due to distance, but those who have the possibility should definitely consider it.

2. Reducing Plastic

When it comes to sustainability in companies, there are often still big steps to be taken when it comes to reducing plastic. For example, consider replacing plastic cups at the coffee machine with biodegradable paper cups or coffee mugs. An easy way to retire the outdated single-use plastics. You can also print these cups or mugs with your logo so that it becomes a beautiful brand carrier. Are your employees often on the road? Then take a look at the water bottles or thermos flasks, which are also available in a sustainable variant in wooden materials. Shops can also take steps to reduce plastic by, for example, selling or giving away shopping bags made from organic cotton or bags for fruit and vegetables. Of course, you can also have these printed with your logo to provide extra branding. Take a critical look at the use of plastic in your company and which smart ways you can reduce this.

3. Green Business Gifts for Employees and Customers

A thank you can be a good way to motivate your employees. This can be a thank you in all sorts of forms and you can also think about sustainable alternatives. How about a wheat straw lunch box, an umbrella made from PET bottles, or a desk organiser made from bamboo, for example? Not only nice to give away to your employees, but also to your customers. With us, you will find an extensive range of sustainable business gifts that you can have printed with your logo. And also think about putting together a green Christmas gift or an eco Christmas gift. Plenty of opportunities to thank your employees and customers and contribute to the environment.

4. Start a Sustainable Initiative

If you want to show the outside world that you are a sustainable company and send out a positive signal, you can start a sustainable action. For example, you can take part in World Cleanup Day or link sustainability to your company in another way. For example, IGO Promo has introduced ‘IGO GREEN’ as a sustainable initiative. A percentage of each order is used to plant new trees in cooperation with One Tree Planted.

IGO Promo & Corporate Social Responsibility

In the meantime, we at IGO Promo have taken even more steps in the area of sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility. The social character is an important aspect; internationally we consciously offer jobs to people with a distance to the labour market, we expand our range with eco-friendly articles and 85% of our shares are owned by a foundation that donates our organisation’s profits to charities. With the help of the above tips, you will at least know what the possibilities are to work on sustainability in your organisation. And know how to contribute to a better world and show that you are a sustainable company!
By | 2021-08-04T09:30:53+00:00 22 December 2020|