Rebranding: read these practical tips

Are you considering giving your brand a facelift, both literally and figuratively? As a company, you can hardly avoid making changes. Perhaps your style feels dated or your goal is to create a new image. Here at IGO Promo we are often involved in a rebranding process by printing logos on promotional items. But that is only one part of the process. A good rebranding strategy is necessary for a successful result. To get you started we provide some practical rebranding tips in this article.

What is rebranding?

First of all, it is good to know what rebranding entails. It often goes beyond adapting the corporate identity such as the logo or the design of the website. It can also involve a major change such as a new brand name. The purpose of a rebrand is to reinvent or reposition your brand. A kind of ‘renovation’ so that your brand is ready for the future!

The benefits of rebranding

Perhaps your company’s strategy, vision and/or mission has changed over time. With the help of rebranding, you can ensure that your brand is in line with this. Moreover, when done in the right way, it can provide a real boost to your brand. It is a good opportunity to bring your brand to the attention of your target audience again. You can also attract customers who fit in with your renewed brand or appeal to a new target group. It can also contribute to a new and improved image. You show that your company is undergoing a (positive) development. More than enough reasons to opt for a rebranding.

Define your brand identity

For the rebranding, it is important that you know what makes your brand real, reliable, and distinctive: what is your brand identity? Why should potential customers choose your company and not your competitor(s). Who are you as a brand and as a company? The brand identity is based on the mission, vision and core values of your company. It is therefore important that these are in line with each other.

Think about what you need

Is your brand identity clear and have you determined the goal you want to achieve with the rebranding? Then you can think about what you need to achieve your goal. How radical will the change be? Is it just a subtle rebranding or do you need a new logo? Is a new style enough or does your company also need a new name? Are you going to add a slogan to the logo, website or not? Before you start, think carefully about these questions, or get advice from a specialist about the best rebranding strategy.

Make an inventory of all your promotional products

Make an overview of all your current promotional products. Be critical about which items you think you will use or no longer use. For example, not every company uses business cards anymore. So ask yourself if you want to reprint them with your new logo. Also think about what new products you want to add to draw attention to the rebranding. Think of a water bottle with logo or shirts with print. Above all, do what suits your company and what adds value to your brand. There is no standard checklist for a rebrand.

Determine where your renewed brand will be visible

In addition to having an overview of your brand products, it is also important to look at where your renewed brand will be visible. Take a critical look at your website to see what can be renewed here. Is it just a question of changing the logo or is there a new colour scheme? If so, change it on every page. Does it involve a new tone-of-voice (a way of addressing your customers)? Then make sure that all the content on your website reflects this. That way you can really appeal to the target group.

Have the designs made

Do you have a designer in house? If so, you can of course choose to hire them to make the designs for the rebranding. You can also call in an external professional designer or agency. For a successful result, it is important that the person who is going to develop the design is fully aware of the brand identity and the purpose of the rebranding.

Develop a brand guide and style guide

In order to get the rebranding right and to ensure that everyone involved communicates consistently, it is important to develop a brand guide and a style guide. A brand guide is a booklet or pdf that describes all the rules and agreements surrounding the use of a brand. A styleguide contains the elaboration of your images.

Inform everyone in the company about the rebranding

Internal communication is an element that is not always thought about when rebranding, while it actually forms the basis of your marketing and communication. Because when everyone knows how to convey the brand well internally, you automatically create a stronger brand externally. Inform your employees about the rebranding with a presentation and/or an e-mail. Send them a nice product with the new logo and a card with an explanation and hang a new banner in the office. As an employer, you can also invest in internal branding such as a mouse mat with logo, mugs with imprint and new pens with logo. And think about communicating your renewed brand to customers and relations. You can do this by means of a newsletter, message(s) on social media, a press release and/or advertisement.

Choose a moment to announce it

Now that it has been communicated internally, you can also choose a moment to announce your renewed brand. This can of course be the literal moment, but try to think carefully about whether this is the most convenient moment for your company. Do you do this during a quiet period or ‘high season’? Or with the start of a new year or quarter? In any case, announce it clearly. Do not just show your new name and/or logo, but describe the reason for the rebranding. That way, you will immediately appeal to your target group. You can also make your target group curious by using a teaser before launching the full rebranding.

Link an action to your rebranding

Think of a fun giveaway to reinforce your rebranding. For example, have a fun gadget printed with your logo. Give it away as a free gift with every order or when purchasing a certain service. Or hand out promotional products with your new logo on the street to attract extra visitors to your shop. Make sure they are promotional products they will use often in everyday life to further increase the effect of your rebranding. That way, the recipients will provide extra visibility for your rebranded brand!

Need help choosing your promotional items?

Do you need help choosing the right promotional products to support your rebranding? Here at IGO Promo our specialists will be happy to help. Contact us and together we will look for the most suitable products to make your company stand out to the right target group.

With the help of these rebranding tips your renewed brand can make a successful impression !

By | 2021-11-18T10:22:12+00:00 18 November 2021|